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Plakas Mannos continues to expand its legal team
Legal News Reporter
Published: July 22, 2022
The northeast Ohio-based law firm Plakas Mannos recently added two more attorneys to its Canton office.
Former Stark County Common Pleas Court Magistrate Kristen S. Moore and previous Plakas Mannos law clerk Brooke N. Meneses began their new positions at the firm in the spring.
Meneses became an associate at Plakas Mannos after being sworn in as an attorney on May 9.
The Canton native, who previously served in the U.S. Marine Corps said being able to assist residents in the community where she grew up is “a dream come true.
“I am surrounded by experienced lawyers and my goal is to learn as much as possible so I can become a skilled trial lawyer and ultimately add to the reputation of Plakas Mannos,” said Meneses.
Moore started as an attorney at the firm on April 18. She said she’s excited to return to the other side of the bench.
“I’ve been on the bench for the past six years and while I found my work at the court rewarding I missed having client relationships and being able to advocate for those who often have no other way to achieve justice but to go to court,” said Moore.
“I wanted to be a part of the team because it has a stellar reputation,” Moore said. “While I was on the bench every member of the firm who came before me was exceptionally talented, well prepared and passionate about their client’s case.”
Plakas Mannos Managing Partner Lee Plakas said the firm, which also has an office in Akron is “excited” and “proud” to welcome Moore and Meneses.
“Both women possess the great advantage of knowing how to deal with people and the world in challenging circumstances,” said Plakas.
“Brooke’s Marine Corps experience honed her skill to remain calm under pressure and carve a way to a solution,” said Plakas. “That will serve clients well as Brooke leads them to overcome personal and legal challenges.
“Throughout Kristen’s career, she has been recognized for both her appellate and trial work,” said Plakas. “Our firm is thrilled that Kristen’s love of legal problem-solving in complex cases motivated her to leave her respected position with the courts and come to our firm.”
Moore grew up in Auburn, New York, moving to Stark County, Ohio to attend Malone University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in English.
“I was not planning on law school, but my husband was and he convinced me to come along for the ride,” said Moore. “I fell in love with the law and I think I enjoy practicing more than he does.”
After graduating from The University of Akron School of Law in 2008, she started as an associate at the now-defunct law firm Day Ketterer, where she focused on civil litigation.
Eight years later, Moore was appointed as a magistrate in the general division of the Stark County Common Pleas Court.
During her time on the bench, she presided over thousands of hearings and trials.
She was also elected vice president of the Ohio Association of Magistrates and served as the director of the Stark County Honor Court, a specialized treatment court docket for justice-involved veterans and active duty service members.
In fact, it was during her time as director that she first got to know Meneses, who was a volunteer mentor for the program.
“It impressed me that as a busy law student she was willing to give her time to help out fellow veterans,” said Moore.
While most of her career has involved handling commercial litigation, she is open to exploring other types of litigation matters at Plakas Mannos.
“I’m still feeling out what my niche here will be,” said Moore.
In addition to her work at the firm, the Jackson Township resident serves on the board of the Akron Law Alumni Association and is the immediate past president of Women’s Impact Inc., a nonprofit networking organization dedicated to helping women realize their potential.
Moore has also served as a faculty member at the Ohio Supreme Court Judicial College.
“I was selected while I was a magistrate and I first taught new magistrate orientation,” said Moore. “I recently taught an evidence course.
“I am looking forward to putting the skills I learned as a magistrate and at the Judicial College into practice to better serve our clients at Plakas Mannos.”
“Kristen’s prior judicial and private practice experience creates the unique blend of understanding the law from both sides of the bench,” said Plakas. “That both sides of the bench experience gives her uncommon insight, which will now be a tremendous advantage in guiding clients through major cases.”
A resident of Uniontown, Meneses received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal justice from Tiffin University in Ohio.
She then joined the U.S. Marine Corps, where she served four years and earned the rank of captain.
“I think going to law school was something that was always in the back of my mind, but being in the Marine Corps solidified my interest,” said Meneses.
It was while attending Akron Law that she first became familiar with Plakas Mannos.
“The firm has an incredible reputation and I heard a lot about it,” said Meneses, who started as a law clerk at Plakas Mannos in the summer of 2020 and has continued working at the firm ever since.
During her time at Akron Law, she also became a mentor for criminal justice-involved veterans who were part of the Stark County Honor Court.
“I think it’s a great program,” said Meneses. “It was also a way for me to maintain the camaraderie I experienced in the military without being in the military.
“When I was in the Marines I had the pleasure of mentoring other marines and I think it’s important that we continue to support one another once we leave the military.”
“Brooke’s strong commitment to helping her community and country is evidenced both by her Marine Corps service and volunteering to help veterans in the Honor Court. She rose to the rank of Marine Corps Captain in part because of her unique ability to mentor others, regardless of her young age and gender in a traditionally male-dominated organization.
“To rise to the level of captain in the rigorous Marine Corps as a young woman, Brooke clearly had to establish her leadership skills and earn the respect of the soldiers in her command. She will not be intimidated by even the biggest and most challenging legal cases,” Plakas said.