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Andrea Rose Teodosio Foundation art auction draws crowds

Legal News Reporter

Published: February 27, 2019

It’s been eight years since Brouse McDowell attorney Christopher Teodosio established the Andrea Rose Teodosio Foundation to pay tribute to the memory of his sister, who lost her life during a 2011 skiing accident in West Virginia.

Andrea, who was the daughter of Summit County Judges Thomas and Linda Tucci Teodosio, was just 22 at the time of her death.

“It is the mission of the foundation to advance causes that were important to my sister such as helping senior citizens and the underprivileged, community involvement, education and the environment,” said Teodosio, who serves as president of the foundation.

“Some of the funding raised over the years has gone toward building rooms at the Battered Women’s Shelter designed for adults who are victims of elder abuse, the Akron Children’s Museum, the Special Olympics, scholarships, prom dresses for underprivileged teens, clothing for the homeless and other projects,” said Andrea’s father 9th Ohio District Court of Appeals Judge Thomas Teodosio.

Each year the nonprofit organization holds several charitable events to raise money to support those endeavors. Most recently the foundation held its sixth annual Angel Art Auction at the John S. Knight Center in downtown Akron.

The Feb. 7 event featured over 100 pieces of art created by local artists, including paintings, prints, metalwork, wood carvings, vases, bowls and sculptures along with memorabilia signed by Patrick Carney, drummer for the Akron rock band The Black Keys.

“This year we allowed online bidding for the first time,” said Judge Teodosio.

Patrons who turned out at the auction got to choose from an elaborate selection of food, including a pasta bar, two carving stations and a large dessert table. There was also an open bar.

“Over 200 people were in attendance this year,” said Judge Teodosio. “It was an absolutely wonderful event. The community was so supportive and there was such a positive feeling in the room.

“Andrea would have absolutely loved it,” he said. “As it turned out the event was a few days before the anniversary of Andrea’s accident on Feb. 12, which allowed Linda and I to focus on something positive.”

Summit County Juvenile Court Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio said the entire family is moved by the community support they have received.

“Artists, runners, friends and people who were once strangers have shown us such warmth and understanding and have helped us to celebrate Andrea’s short, but very meaningful life,” said Judge Tucci Teodosio.

The auction raised approximately $50,000.

“The foundation continues to explore positive ways to effect our community in connection with Andrea’s areas of passion,” said Christopher Teodosio.

In the meantime, Christopher is encouraging everyone to register for the upcoming July 13 Andrea Rose Teodosio Memorial 5K run and one-mile walk, which will be held in Akron as part of the Summit County Italian-American Festival.

For more information on the foundation or to register for the upcoming run/walk, go to
