The Akron Legal News

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The "greenhouse effect": How an oft-touted climate solution threatens agricultural workers

The "greenhouse effect": How an oft-touted climate solution threatens agricultural workers

MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) — To harvest tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, to clip herbs, to prune and propagate succulents, people work in oppressive heat and humidity. Some wring out shirts soaked with sweat. Some contend with headaches, dizziness and nausea. Some collapse. Some hover on the brink of exhaustion, backs straining, breat ... (full story)

New investors advance in stages

Are you considering investing in the stock market for the first time, but are hesitating? If you are serious about taking the plunge, think of your situation in terms of behavior change. That is, think of what it takes to go from being an outside observer to an actual newbie "investor."
Behavior change works in stages ... (full story)

What’s with dividends

Q. I noticed that both Meta Platforms and Alphabet (parent companies to Facebook and Google, respectively) started paying dividends this year. And Apple increased its dividend payment. Is something going on here? -- T.O., Carson City, Nevada
A. Companies should always be using the money they generate in the most productive ways. ... (full story)

What's worse than thieves hacking into your bank account? When they steal your phone number, too

WASHINGTON (AP) — One Monday morning in May, I woke up and grabbed my cell phone to read the news and scroll through memes. But it was out of cell service. I couldn't make calls or texts.
That, though, turned out to be the least of my problems.
Using my home Wi-Fi connection, I checked my email and discovered a notific ... (full story)

Celebrities are getting $2,000 MRI scans to learn about their health. Should you?

WASHINGTON (AP) — What if there was a way to peer into your body and spot early signs of cancer and other life-threatening ailments before they became serious?
That's the pitch from a new cluster of companies selling high-tech scans to healthy people interested in learning more about their wellness.
These whole-body MR ... (full story)