Login | March 26, 2025
Miscellaneous Civil Public Notices From March 25, 2025
Case No. CV2024 09 3837
Chase Mortgage Holdings, Inc. s/b/m to JPMC Specialty Mortgage LLC vs John R. Holt, et al.
The description of the property to be sold is as follows:
Property Address: 383 EAST IDO AVENUE, AKRON, SUMMIT, OH, 44301;
Legal Description: Full Legal Listed on Public Website; Parcel Number: 6833201
Bidding will be available only on www.Auction.com opening on April 15, 2025, at 10:00 AM for a minimum of 7 days.
Property may be sold on a provisional sale date should the third-party purchaser fail to provide their deposit within the allotted time. Provisional Sale date: April 29, 2025 at 10:00 AM. Sales subject to cancellation. The deposit required is $5,000 to be paid by wire transfer within 2 hours of the sale ending. No cash is permitted.
Purchaser shall be responsible for those costs, allowances, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.
To view all sale details and terms for this property visit www.Auction.com and enter the Search Code CV2024093837 into the search bar.
Mar 25; Apr 1, 8, 2025
Case No. CV2022 02 0358
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs Staples, Daniel S., et al. The description of the property to be sold is as follows:
Property Address: 3826 HILE ROAD, STOW, SUMMIT, OH, 44224;
Legal Description: Full Legal Listed on Public Website; Parcel Number: 56-05591
Bidding will be available only on www.Auction.com opening on April 8, 2025, at 10:00 AM for a minimum of 7 days.
Property may be sold on a provisional sale date should the third-party purchaser fail to provide their deposit within the allotted time. Provisional Sale date: April 22, 2025 at 10:00 AM. Sales subject to cancellation. The deposit required is $10,000 to be paid by wire transfer within 2 hours of the sale ending. No cash is permitted.
Purchaser shall be responsible for those costs, allowances, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.
To view all sale details and terms for this property visit www.Auction.com and enter the Search Code CV-2022-02-0358 into the search bar.
Mar 18, 25; Apr 1, 2025
111 South Buckey Street, Suite 270
Wooster, OH 44691
In the Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division, Summit County, Ohio.
Case No. 2025 CV 00020
Terri M. Wenhold, Administrator WWA of the Estate of Paul Bryan Payne aka Paul B. Payne, 781 Zeletta Drive, Akron, OH 44319, Plaintiff vs. Unknown Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin of Paul Bryan Payne aka Paul B. Payne, deceased, their Executors, Administrators, Custodians, Assigns or Guardians, et al., Defendants.
Unknown Heirs-at-Law and Next of Kin of Paul Bryan Payne aka Paul B. Payne, deceased, their Executors, Administrators, Custodians, Assigns or Guardians and the Unknown Executors, Administrators, Guardians, Custodians or Assigns, or Heirs-at-Law, Next of Kin, Devisees and Legatees of any Heirs-at-Law, Next of Kin, Devisees and Legatees of Paul Bryan Payne aka Paul B. Payne, deceased, whose addresses other than as set forth are unknown and cannot with the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained, and upon whom service of summons cannot be had in the State of Ohio, will take notice that on February 20, 2025, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint for Determination of Heirs in the Common Pleas Court, Probate Division of Summit County, Ohio, being Case No. 2025 CV 00020, demanding that this court determine who are the next of kin, heirs-at law, their Executors, Administrators, Guardians, Custodians and Assigns of Paul Bryan Payne aka Paul B. Payne, deceased and who are entitled by the laws of this state to the next state of inheritance and determine the share to which the next of kin or heirs-at-law, their Executors, Administrators and Assigns, are entitled according to the statutes in such case made and provided for such other relief as the Court may determine and that the Plaintiff further requests that the Court render judgment on any non-answering parties and eliminate an interest of a non-answering party and provide for such other relief as the Court may determine.
Said above named Defendants will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before the 24th day of April 2025.
By: SHAUN T. PEREZ, (#0104194), Attorney for Plaintiff.
Mar 13, 20, 27, 2025
Case No. CV2024 10 4775
The description of the property to be sold is as follows:
Property Address: 809 LOCKWOOD ROAD, BARBERTON, SUMMIT, OH, 44203;
Legal Description: Full Legal Listed on Public Website; Parcel Number: 0113394
Bidding will be available only on www.Auction.com opening on April 1, 2025, at 10:00 AM for a minimum of 7 days.
Property may be sold on a provisional sale date should the third-party purchaser fail to provide their deposit within the allotted time. Provisional Sale date: April 15, 2025 at 10:00 AM. Sales subject to cancellation. The deposit required is $10,000 to be paid by wire transfer within 2 hours of the sale ending. No cash is permitted.
Purchaser shall be responsible for those costs, allowances, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.
To view all sale details and terms for this property visit www.Auction.com and enter the Search Code CV-2024-10-4775 into the search bar.
Mar 11, 18, 25, 2025
In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.
Case No. CV2024 10 4454.
Diamond Mitchell, 383 Bettie Street, Akron, Ohio 44306, Plaintiff vs. Tynicka R. Allen and Ricardo Chandler, Defendants.
Ricardo Chandler, whose last known address is 922 East Archwood, Akron, Ohio 44306, but whose address other than as set forth is unknown, will take notice that on October 3, 2024, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint in Negligence in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio being Case No. CV2024 10 4454, demanding compensatory damages against the Defendants in an amount of more than $25,000, plus her costs & expenses, attorney fees, future medical expenses, future lost earnings, diminished ability to earn a living, pain and suffering, and any other relief deemed appropriate by the Court.
Plaintiff, by and through counsel hereby demands a jury trial on all issues triable by right herein.
Said above named Defendant will further take notice that he/she is required to answer the Complaint on or before the 2nd day of May 2025.
By: SUSAN J. LAX, (#0066273), 123 S. Miller Rd., Suite 250, Fairlawn, OH 44333, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Feb 28; Mar 7, 14, 21, 28; Apr 4, 2025
50 S. Main Street, 10th Floor
Akron, OH 44308-1849
In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.
Case No. CV2025 02 0568.
Board of Township Trustees, Boston Township, Ohio, Trustee Amy Anderson, Trustee Randy Bergdorf, Trustee Bill Clifton, Plaintiffs vs. John Doe, aka Oliver H. Perry, Defendant.
John Doe, aka Oliver H. Perry, name and address currently unknown, cannot with the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained and upon whom service of summons cannot be had in the State of Ohio, will take notice that on February 5, 2025, Board of Township Trustees, Boston Township, Ohio, Trustee Amy Anderson, Trustee Randy Bergdorf, Trustee Bill Clifton, Plaintiffs, filed a Complaint for Declaratory Judgment in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case Number: CV 2025-02-0568, due to Defendant’s public records requests being unreasonable, vague, overly broad, ambiguous, and/or unduly burdensome.
Said above named Defendant will further take notice that he is required to answer the Complaint on or before the 1st day of May 2025.
By: ALFRED E. SCHRADER, (#0001837) and DANNY GUAN, (#0103020), Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Feb 27; Mar 6, 13, 20, 27; Apr 3, 2025