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Login | March 14, 2025


Foreclosures From March 13, 2025



6725 Miami Avenue, Suite 202

Cincinnati, OH 45243

In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.

Case No. CV2024 12 5579.

PNC Bank, National Association, Plaintiff vs. David Paulus, et al., Defendants.

The Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Executors, Administrators, Spouses and Assigns and the Unknown Guardians of Minor or Incompetent Heirs of Mark Allen Paulus, will take notice that the Plaintiff, PNC Bank, National Association, filed its Complaint in the Court of Common Pleas, Summit County, Ohio, with the above reference case number. The object of and demand for relief in the Complaint is to foreclose upon the Plaintiff’s Mortgage recorded upon the real estate described below and in which the Plaintiff alleges that the foregoing Defendants have or claim to have an interest:

All that certain parcel of land situated in the City of Akron, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Being known and designated as follows: The whole of Lot Number Forty-Three (43) in the Castle Village Number One (1) allotment, as recorded in Plat Book Number Fifty-Four (54) at Pages Forty-Four (44) and Forty-Five (45) and as recorded is Plat Book Fifty-Four (54) at Pages Fifty-Seven (57) and Fifty-Eight (58) of the Summit County records of plats.

Property address: 1159 Jeanie J Ave, Akron, OH 44310

PPN: 6743104

Said above named Defendants will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before the 24th day of April 2025.



By: ROBERT H. YOUNG, (#0036743), Attorney for Plaintiff.

Mar 13, 20, 27, 2025




6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203

Tallahassee, FL 32312

UNKNOWN SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF TROY B. KESSLER ON OR ABOUT 09/03/2016, whose last known addresses are unknown and all of whose residences are unknown, will hereby take notice that on November 27th, 2024, Plaintiff filed its Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case No. CV-2024-12-5258 in said Court against JENNIFER ANDREWS AKA JENNIFER L. ANDREWS, et al. praying for Judgment of $79,641.68 with interest at the rate of 2.87500% per annum from May 1, 2024, until paid and for foreclosure of a mortgage on the following described real estate, to wit:

Parcel No.: 5106620

Street Address: 275 Columbine Avenue, Akron, OH 44312

A complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor.

and that Defendants be required to set up any interest they may have in said premises or be forever barred, that upon failure of said Defendants to pay or cause to be paid said judgment within three days from its rendition that an Order of Sale be issued to the Sheriff of Summit County, Ohio, to appraise, advertise, and sell said real estate, that the premises be sold free and clear of all claims, liens and interest of any of the parties herein, that the proceeds from the sale of said premises be applied to Plaintiff's judgment and for such other relief to which Plaintiff is entitled.

Said Defendants will take notice that they will be required to answer said Complaint on or before the 22nd day of April 2025, or judgment will be rendered accordingly.



By: BETHANY L. SUTTINGER, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Mar 11, 18, 25, 2025




2400 Chamber Center Dr., Suite 220

Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017

In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.

Case No. CV2024 08 3739.

Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee, on Behalf of the Registered Holders of First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-FF1, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-FF1, Plaintiff vs. Unknown Administrator, Executor or Fiduciary, Unknown Heirs, Next of Kin, Unknown Spouses, Devisees, Legatees, Creditors and Beneficiaries of the Estate of Freda K. Harrison, et al., Defendants.

To: Justin Harrison and Brigid Harrison, you will take notice that on August 28, 2024, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint for foreclosure in the Summit County Court of Common Pleas, being Case No. CV-2024-08-3739, alleging that there is due to the Plaintiff the sum of $84,615.57, plus interest at 3.375% per annum from January 01, 2024, plus late charges and fees applicable to the terms of a Promissory Note secured by a Mortgage on the real property, which has a street address of 1700 Karg Drive, Akron, OH 44313, being Parcel Number: 68-00145.

Plaintiff further alleges that by reason of a default in payment of said Promissory Note, the conditions of said Mortgage have been broken and the same has become absolute.

Plaintiff prays that the Defendant named above be required to answer and assert any interest in said real property or be forever barred from asserting any interest therein, for foreclosure of said mortgage, marshalling of liens, and the sale of said real property, and that the proceeds of said sale be applied according to law.

Said Defendants are required to file an Answer on or before the twenty-eighth day following the last date of Publication. 



By: BRIAN E. CHAPMAN, (#0039826), BRIAN S. JACKSON, (#0068516), PATRICIA L. JOHNSON, (#0076669), CRYSTAL L. SARESKY, (#0091328), BRANDON W. ELLIS, (#0099077) and AUSTIN R. DECKER, (#0100918), Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Mar 11, 18, 25, 2025



In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High Street, Akron, Ohio 44308.

Case Number: CV2025 01 0156

Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, 175 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44308, Plaintiff vs. Unknown Heirs of George D. Csanyi, et al., Defendant(s).

Unknown Heirs of George D. Csanyi (last known address: unknown) and Unknown Heirs of Elva Jean Csanyi (last known address: unknown), whose address(es) cannot with the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained and upon whom service of summons cannot be had in the State of Ohio, will take notice that on January 14, 2025, Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case Number: CV2025 01 0156, to foreclose the tax liens on permanent parcel number(s) 51-01729. These liens represent delinquent real estate taxes, assessments, penalties and interest on the following described real estate:


PINE LAKE ALLOT #1 LOT 21 ALL TWIN LAKES DR. (The full legal description is available in the Summit County Fiscal Office)

Also known as: Twin Lakes Drive, Uniontown, OH 44685.

Permanent Parcel Number: 51-01729 (ALT ID – SP0066301004000).


The defendant(s) are hereby required to answer and set up any claim that they may have in said premises or be forever barred, that the Plaintiff be found to have a first and best lien on said premises for the amount so owing.

Said above named defendant(s) will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before 18th day of April 2025.


By: ASHLEY A. HAWKINS, (#0096309), Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Attorney for Plaintiff Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, 53 University Avenue, 7th Floor, Akron, Ohio 44308. (330) 643-8409

Mar 7, 14, 21, 2025




6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203

Tallahassee, FL 32312

THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, LEGATEES, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SPOUSES AND ASSIGNS AND THE UNKNOWN GUARDIANS OF MINOR AND/OR INCOMPETENT HEIRS OF DEANNE GOODEN-RILEY, whose last known addresses are unknown and all of whose residences are unknown, will hereby take notice that on October 22nd, 2024, Plaintiff filed its Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case No. CV-2024-10- 4731 in said Court against JUSTIN T. RILEY, et al. praying for Judgment of $37,934.50 with interest at the rate of 4.75000% per annum from May 1, 2024, until paid and for foreclosure of a mortgage on the following described real estate, to wit:

Parcel No.: 6808289

Street Address: 521 East Archwood Avenue, Akron, OH 44301

A complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor.

and that Defendants be required to set up any interest they may have in said premises or be forever barred, that upon failure of said Defendants to pay or cause to be paid said judgment within three days from its rendition that an Order of Sale be issued to the Sheriff of Summit County, Ohio, to appraise, advertise, and sell said real estate, that the premises be sold free and clear of all claims, liens and interest of any of the parties herein, that the proceeds from the sale of said premises be applied to Plaintiff's judgment and for such other relief to which Plaintiff is entitled.

Said Defendants will take notice that they will be required to answer said Complaint on or before the 18th day of April 2025, or judgment will be rendered accordingly.



By: JACQUELINE M. WIRTZ, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Mar 7, 14, 21, 2025



In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High Street, Akron, Ohio 44308.

Case Number: CV2024 12 5315

Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, 175 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44308, Plaintiff vs. Allison Jean Ickey, et al., Defendant(s).

Unknown Successor in Interest to the 2968 Albrecht Apartments Condominium Association., Inc. (last known address: 2968 Albrecht Ave, Akron, OH 44312), whose address(es) cannot with the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained and upon whom service of summons cannot be had in the State of Ohio, will take notice that on December 4, 2024, Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case Number: CV2024 12 5315, to foreclose the tax liens on permanent parcel number(s) 51-08985. These liens represent delinquent real estate taxes, assessments, penalties and interest on the following described real estate:


TWENTY-NINE SIXTY-EIGHT ALBRECHT CONDO 6, WPT & 7 NW PT (The full legal description is available in the Summit County Fiscal Office)

Also known as: 2954 & 2958 Albrecht Ave., Akron, OH 44312.

Permanent Parcel Number: 51-08985 (ALT ID -SP-00222-02-012.001).


The defendant(s) are hereby required to answer and set up any claim that they may have in said premises or be forever barred, that the Plaintiff be found to have a first and best lien on said premises for the amount so owing.

Said above named defendant(s) will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before 17th day of April 2025.


By: AARON CAMPBELL, (#0100340), Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Attorney for Plaintiff Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, 53 University Avenue, 7th Floor, Akron, Ohio 44308. (330) 643-2689

Mar 6, 13, 20, 2025




2400 Chamber Center Dr., Suite 220

Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017

In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.

Case No. CV2025 02 0670.

PHH Mortgage Corporation, Plaintiff vs. Unknown Successor Trustee of the Malcolm Korach Family Trust No. 1, Dated October 2, 2008, et al., Defendants.

Unknown Successor Trustee of the Malcolm Korach Family Trust No. 1, Dated October 2, 2008 and the Unknown Beneficiaries of the Malcolm Korach Family Trust No. 1, Dated October 2, 2008, you will take notice that on February 13, 2025, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint for foreclosure in the Summit County Court of Common Pleas, being Case No. CV-2025-02-0670, alleging that there is due to the Plaintiff the sum of $372,076.06 as of February 7, 2025. In a reverse mortgage, all advances are added to the loan balance, per the terms of the Note. As such, the principal balance continues to grow due to monthly servicing fees, mortgage insurance premiums, and other costs set forth under the terms of the Home Equity Conversion Note and Mortgage. The property has a street address of 1745 Brookwood Drive, Akron, OH 44313, being permanent Parcel Number: 70-00886.

Plaintiff further alleges that by reason of a default of said Promissory Note, the conditions of said Mortgage have been broken and the same has become absolute.

Plaintiff prays that the Defendants named above be required to answer and assert any interest in said real property or be forever barred from asserting any interest therein, for foreclosure of said mortgage, marshalling of liens, and the sale of said real property, and that the proceeds of said sale be applied according to law.

Said Defendants are required to file an Answer on or before the twenty-eighth day following the last date of Publication.

By: BRIAN E. CHAPMAN, (#0039826), PAMELA S. PETAS, (#0058627), BRIAN S. JACKSON, (#0068516), CRYSTAL L. SARESKY, (#0091328), BRANDON W. ELLIS, (#0099077) and AUSTIN R. DECKER, (#0100918), Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Mar 6, 13, 20, 2025




6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203

Tallahassee, FL 32312

THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, LEGATEES, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, SPOUSES AND ASSIGNS AND THE UNKNOWN GUARDIANS OF MINOR AND/OR INCOMPETENT HEIRS OF GARY BROWN (DECEASED), ADAM BROWN, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ADAM BROWN, SHANNON BROWN AND REBECCA BROWN, whose last known addresses are unknown and all of whose residences are unknown, will hereby take notice that on July 20th, 2023, Plaintiff filed its Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case No. CV-2023-07-2594 in said Court against GARY BROWN, et al. praying for Judgment of $110,207.40 with interest at the rate of 2.87500% per annum from December 1, 2022, until paid and for foreclosure of a mortgage on the following described real estate, to wit:

Parcel No.: 5106493

Street Address: 3529 Carper Avenue, Akron, OH 44312

A complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor.

and that Defendants be required to set up any interest they may have in said premises or be forever barred, that upon failure of said Defendants to pay or cause to be paid said judgment within three days from its rendition that an Order of Sale be issued to the Sheriff of Summit County, Ohio, to appraise, advertise, and sell said real estate, that the premises be sold free and clear of all claims, liens and interest of any of the parties herein, that the proceeds from the sale of said premises be applied to Plaintiff's judgment and for such other relief to which Plaintiff is entitled.

Said Defendants will take notice that they will be required to answer said Complaint on or before the 15th day of April 2025, or judgment will be rendered accordingly.



By: JACQUELINE M. WIRTZ, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Mar 4, 11, 18, 2025




6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203

Tallahassee, FL 32312

UNKNOWN SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF C. THOMAS ANDERS ON OR ABOUT 04/03/1992, whose last known addresses are unknown and all of whose residences are unknown, will hereby take notice that on January 10th, 2025, Plaintiff filed its Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case No. CV-2025-01-0107 in said Court against JAMIE RAINES, et al. praying for Judgment of $77,217.67 with interest at the rate of 2.75000% per annum from June 1, 2024, until paid and for foreclosure of a mortgage on the following described real estate, to wit: 

Parcel No.: 6728321

Street Address: 503 Rothrock Avenue, Akron, OH 44314

A complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor.

and that Defendants be required to set up any interest they may have in said premises or be forever barred, that upon failure of said Defendants to pay or cause to be paid said judgment within three days from its rendition that an Order of Sale be issued to the Sheriff of Summit County, Ohio, to appraise, advertise, and sell said real estate, that the premises be sold free and clear of all claims, liens and interest of any of the parties herein, that the proceeds from the sale of said premises be applied to Plaintiff's judgment and for such other relief to which Plaintiff is entitled.

Said Defendants will take notice that they will be required to answer said Complaint on or before the 15th day of April 2025, or judgment will be rendered accordingly.



By: JACQUELINE M. WIRTZ, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Mar 4, 11, 18, 2025



In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High Street, Akron, Ohio 44308.

Case Number: CV2024 07 3146

Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, 175 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44308, Plaintiff vs. Carol Ann Marie Stull, et al., Defendant(s).

Unknown Spouse of Carol Ann Marie Stull (last known address: 384 Gibbs Road, Akron, OH 44312) and Discovery Oil & Gas, LLC (last known address: 129 S. Broadway Ave, Salem, OH 44460), whose address(es) cannot with the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained and upon whom service of summons cannot be had in the State of Ohio, will take notice that on July 23, 2024, Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio, being Case Number: CV2024 07 3146, to foreclose the tax liens on permanent parcel number(s) 68-30779. These liens represent delinquent real estate taxes, assessments, penalties and interest on the following described real estate:


E MKT AC LOT 295 ALL DANIELS AVE (The full legal description is available in the Summit County Fiscal Office)

Also known as: 384 Gibbs Rd., Akron, OH 44312.

Permanent Parcel Number: 68-30779 (ALT ID -090068507002000).


The defendant(s) are hereby required to answer and set up any claim that they may have in said premises or be forever barred, that the Plaintiff be found to have a first and best lien on said premises for the amount so owing.

Said above named defendant(s) will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before 15th day of April 2025.


By: UNA LAKIC, (#0096570), Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Attorney for Plaintiff Kristen M. Scalise, Summit County Fiscal Officer, 53 University Avenue, 7th Floor, Akron, Ohio 44308. (330) 643-8321

Mar 4, 11, 18, 2025





4834 Richmond Rd., Suite 201

Cleveland, OH 44128

In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.

Case No. CV2024 12 5279.

The Huntington National Bank, Plaintiff vs. Asia Bre'onna Hightower, et al., Defendants.

Defendant(s), Asia Bre`onna Hightower and John Doe, Real Name Unknown, the Unknown Spouse, if any, of Asia Bre`onna Hightower, whose last known Addresses are 560 Mineola Ave, Akron, OH 44320 and 220 Bragg Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32305, Jane Rosa Hightower and John Doe, Real Name Unknown, the Unknown Spouse, if any, of Jane Rosa Hightower, whose last known Addresses are 560 Mineola Ave, Akron, OH 44320 and 220 Bragg Dr, allahassee, FL 32305, Jane Doe, Real Name Unknown, the Unknown Spouse, if any, of Roscoe Hightower, Jr., whose last known Addresses are 560 Mineola Ave, Akron, OH 44320 and 220 Bragg Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32305, will take notice that on December 2, 2024, The Huntington National Bank, filed its Complaint in Case Number CV-2024-12-5279, Summit County, Ohio, alleging that the defendant(s), Asia Bre`onna Hightower, John Doe, Real Name Unknown, the Unknown Spouse, if any, of Asia Bre`onna Hightower, Jane Rosa Hightower, John Doe, Real Name Unknown, the Unknown Spouse, if any, of Jane Rosa Hightower And Jane Doe, Real Name Unknown, the Unknown Spouse, if any, of Roscoe Hightower, Jr., have or claim to have an interest in the real estate described below:


Premises commonly known as 560 Mineola Ave., Akron, OH 44320.

Permanent Parcel Number: 6847134.


The Plaintiff further alleges that by reason of default in the payment of the promissory note, according to its tenor, the conditions of a concurrent mortgage deed given to secure the payment of said note and conveying the premises described, have been broken and the same has become absolute.

The Plaintiff demands that the Defendant(s) named above be required to answer and set up their interest in said real estate or be forever barred from asserting the same, for foreclosure of said mortgage, the marshaling of any liens, and the sale of said real estate, and the proceeds of said sale applied to the payment of Plaintiff's claim in the proper order of its priority and for such other and further relief as is just and equitable.

Said above named Defendant(s) will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before the 11th day of April 2025.



By: WILLIAM L. COSTELLO, (#0040631) and BRADLEY P. TOMAN, (#0042720), Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Feb 28; Mar 7, 14, 2025




P.O. Box 19519

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33318

In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.

Judge Susan Baker Ross

Case No. CV2024 12 5317.

US Bank Trust, National Association, not it its Individual Capacity, but Solely as Owner Trustee for GS Mortgage-Backed Securities Trust 2023-RPL1, Plaintiff vs. Brent M. Gatskie, et al., Defendants.

The Court finds that the service of summons cannot be made other than by publication on Defendant: BRENT M. GATSKIE, whose last known place of residence is/are: 2127 QUAYLE DRIVE, AKRON, OH 44312

Each Defendant will take notice that on December 4, 2024, Plaintiff filed a Complaint for Foreclosure in the Summit County Court of Common Pleas, 205 S. High Street, 1st Floor, Akron, OH 44308, being CV 2024-12-5317 alleging that there is due to Plaintiff the sum of $53,734.08 plus interest at 3.6250 % per annum from June 1, 2024, plus late charges, pre-payment penalties, title charges, court costs and expenses as applicable to the terms of the Promissory Note secured by a mortgage on the real property, which has a street address of 2127 QUAYLE DRIVE, AKRON, OH 44312 and being permanent parcel number 6841782.

Plaintiff further alleged that by a reason of default in payment of said Promissory Note, the conditions of said Mortgage have been broken and the same has become absolute.

The Defendant(s) named above are required to answer and assert any interest in said property or be forever barred from asserting any interest therein, and to raise any defense to foreclosure of said mortgage, the marshalling of liens, the sale of said real property. Said De-fendant(s) are required to file an Answer within twenty-eight days after last date of publication, which shall be published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, or they might be denied a hearing in this case.

By: PAUL M. NALEPKA, (#0040796), Diaz Anselmo & Associates, P.A., Attorneys for Plaintiff, P.O. BOX 19519, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33318; Telephone: (954) 564-0071; Facsimile: (954) 564-9252; Service E-mail:

Feb 28; Mar 7, 14, 2025



In the Court of Common Pleas, 209 S. High St., Akron, Summit County, Ohio.

Judge Joy Malek Oldfield

Case No. CV2024 12 5263.

Freedom Mortgage Corporation, Plaintiff vs. Pamela Reed, et al., Defendants.

Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, executors, administrator and unknown guardian of any minor or incompetent heirs of Jackie J Buffington, address unknown will take notice that on November 27, 2024, Freedom Mortgage Corporation filed its Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Summit County, Ohio in Case No. CV-2024-12-5263, on the docket of the Court, and the object and demand for relief of which pleading is to foreclose the lien of plaintiff's mortgage recorded upon the following described real estate to wit:

Property Address: 1684 Betz Drive, Akron, OH 44306 and being more particularly described in plaintiff's mortgage recorded in Instrument No. 56648879, of this County Recorder's Office.

The above-named defendant is required to answer within twenty-eight (28) days after last publication, which shall be published once a week for six consecutive weeks, or they might be denied a hearing in this case.

By: Melissa J. Whalen (0068316), Ashley E. Rothfuss (0083605), Justin C. Albright (0092521), Richard Mark Rothfuss, II (0087592), Trial Counsel, McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLP, 1 North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60602; (312)346-9088; 24-02051OH-1146448;

Feb 27; Mar 6, 13, 20, 27; Apr 3, 2025


