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Login | March 25, 2025


of the



2.01 Court Sessions

The Court shall be in continuous session for the transaction of judicial business. The session shall commence on the first Monday of the month of January, except when said first Monday is a holiday, in which case the Court session shall commence on the second Monday of January. The session shall end on the last business day before the start of the subsequent session.

2.02 Grand Jury Session

The Grand Jury sessions shall be divided into six sessions designated as January, March, May, July, September, and November sessions. These sessions shall commence during the first week of the designated months. The specific day of the week the sessions shall commence will be at the discretion of the Presiding Judge.

2.03 Presiding Judge

The judges of each multi-judge court, by a majority vote of the judges of the court, shall elect a presiding judge from the judges of the court. If the judges are unable because of equal division of the vote to elect a presiding judge, the judge having the longest total service on the court shall serve as presiding judge for one term. If two or more judges have equal periods of service on the court, the presiding judge shall be determined by lot from the judges with equal periods of service. In the event of a continued failure to elect a presiding judge, the judges of the court shall rotate the position based on the order of seniority as determined by the total length of service on the court.

The term of the presiding judge shall be one year beginning on the first day of January. A presiding judge may be elected to consecutive terms and may serve as administrative judge pursuant to Sup. R. 4. The presiding judge shall notify the administrative director of the Supreme Court of his or her election by the fifteenth day of January.

2.04 Jury Year

The jury year for the Summit County Common Pleas Court shall commence on the first Monday of August and end on the 31st day of July of the following calendar year.


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