Login | March 25, 2025
of the
6.01 Official Daily Journal
The official daily law journal of the Court shall be The Akron Legal News, in which shall be published the trial calendars of this Court, containing the case number, caption and names of the attorneys appearing herein. Also published shall be such notices and particulars regarding causes as may be required by any judge of this Court or by statute, except as hereinafter stated.
6.02 Designation Not Exclusive
The designation of The Akron Legal News for publication of legal notices is not exclusive. A judge of this Court may designate another newspaper in which such notice(s) shall be published. However, in all cases where no specific designation is made, publication shall be made in The Akron Legal News, which shall publish an abstract of each such legal notice once a week and on the same day of each week, for the number of weeks specified by statute or by Court order.
6.03 Notification by Post Card Permitted
Notification by the Court to counsel of any assignment of any case for any purpose may be by postcard.
6.04 Failure of Mail Delivery
Where mail notification is provided for by these rules or is otherwise given, failure of delivery of such mail notification shall not excuse counsel from the responsibility for appearance where such notice has also been given by publication in The Akron Legal News, as provided by Rule 6.01.
6.05 Fees for Publication
For publication of such calendars and notices for which the fees are not fixed by law, the publisher of The Akron Legal News shall receive the sum of $14.50 for each case, to be paid by the party filing the complaint, petition, administrative appeal, notice of appeal, or lien. For the publication of abstracts of legal advertising, the publisher of The Akron Legal News shall receive the sum of $5.00 for each case, matter, or proceeding requiring such advertisement, all to be taxed and collected as part of the court costs by the Clerk of Courts. An abstract shall be such legal advertising, minute reporting, or condensation of the case as described by Ohio Revised Code 2701.09.
6.06 Invoice for Publication
Publishing fees for legal advertising, other than for Sheriff's Sales, will be billed by the publisher directly to the attorney or person responsible for the same. Proof of said publication will be delivered to the Clerk at the conclusion of the advertising, upon receipt of the fee by the publisher. Under certain circumstances where the publisher feels that collection of such fees may be a problem, the publisher is authorized to collect the fees prior to typesetting and starting the publication.
(A) Deposit for Notice of Sheriff's Sale
The Clerk shall collect an advance deposit in the amount of Two Hundred Twenty Dollars ($220.00) for publication of Notice of a Sheriff's sale. This fee shall be held by the Clerk and paid to the publisher upon receipt of proof of publication at the conclusion of the advertising. If the fees for such publication exceed the amount of the deposit, the additional amount shall be taken from the proceeds of the sale and paid to the publisher no later than thirty (30) days after the date of the sale.
(B) Deposit for Notice of Chattel Sale
The Clerk shall collect an advance deposit of $20.00 for publication of Notice of a Chattel Sale by the Summit County Sheriff's Office. Payment to the publisher shall be made in the same manner as in Rule 6.06(A).
(C) Exceptions
Governmental agencies are excluded from the provisions of this rule and payment for government legal advertising.
6.07 Mail Notification Sufficient
Notwithstanding provisions of any rule to the contrary, any mail notification provided shall be sufficient.